Fitch Coat of Arms

            Fitch Family History and Genealogy

Fitch's Bridge

Fitch's Bridge

Picture postcard of "Fitch's Bridge, Elmira, N.Y." Published by the Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland ME., U.S.A. Printed in Frankfort o/Main, Germany, No. 2203. The card, with a one-cent, green Franklin stamp, was postmarked Jan. 13, 1906 at Elmira, NY. It was addressed to Mr. William Meade, 62 Wooster St., Hartford, Conn. As indicated by the legend, "This Side is for the Address," no provision is made for a message; hence, the sender used the top of the picture to write, "Dear Bill. Denise Crowley buried this morning. All well other wise. Regards to John & May. Geo." There is also a Hartford, Conn. postmark on the picture side, dated Jan. 14, 1906.

Daniel Hollenbeck Fitch (1809-aft. 1892), No. 2607, was a farmer at Big Flats on the Chemung River, west of Elmira. Perhaps because he also owned a sawmill and a flour mill, he contributed $10,000 to the construction costs of the Fitch Bridge across the river on what is now Route 225, near its junction with Route 352, at the western edge of Elmira.